Marshall is an ex-undercover agent who has just survived the toughest assignment of his career. He settles into a temporary job in the Secret Service, guarding the President ...viac o knihe
Vmeste s Krisom v zhizn' Dzhillian Forrester voshli lyubov' i neprostoye schast'ye. Yeye vozlyublennyy krasiv i bespechen, ser'yeznyye problemy i otvetstvennost' ...viac o knihe
Five children meet on their first day of school, one bright September morning. Drawn by that magical spark of connection that happens to the young, Gabby, Billy, Izzie ...viac o knihe
Posle razvoda Stefani uyezzhayet v Parizh, gde znakomitsya s obayatel'nym Piterom. Yey kazhetsya, chto ona nakonets-to vstretila svoy ideal. No vskore u novogo druga ...viac o knihe
Yeshche vchera Peris Armstrong chuvstvovala sebya schastlivoy, - u neye byla sem'ya i prekrasnyy dom. I vdrug lyubimyy muzh, s kotorym proshli yeye luchshiye gody, soobshchil ...viac o knihe
Chetyrnadtsat' let Meredit i Stiv Uitmen byli schastlivy vmeste, nesmotrya na raznitsu vo vzglyadakh na zhizn', - ved' biznes-ledi Meredit pozhertvovala materinstvom ...viac o knihe
V roce 1940 obsadí německá armáda Francii a šestnáctiletá Gaëlle se stává svědkem válečných hrůz. Němci vstoupí i do jejich poklidného města a Gaëllinu ...viac o knihe
Krásné Nataši Leonovové si v mrazivých moskevských ulicích všimne ruský miliardář Vladimir Stanislas. Vezme jí pod ochranná křídla a zahrne nevídaným ...viac o knihe
Slavná autorka společenských románů se tentokrát ponořila do fascinujícího prostředí zákulisí nejvyšší americké politky; přímo do Bílého ...viac o knihe
Alice e Johnny, una madre e un figlio, un legame potente e indistruttibile. Lui e bello, simpatico, intelligente e... innamorato. Al ritorno dal ballo studentesco, pero ...viac o knihe
This is the story of an extraordinary boy with a brilliant mind, a heart of gold and a tortured soul.'
From the day he was born, Nick Traina was his mother's joy. By nineteen ...viac o knihe
At seventeen, on the night of her mother's funeral, Grace Adams is attacked. A young woman with secrets too horrible to tell, with hurts so deep they may never heal, Grace ...viac o knihe
Although frequent business meetings keep her husband, Brad, away from home, Page Clarke feels blessed with her happy family and comfortable marriage. They have a house ...viac o knihe
At fifty-nine, Jack Watson owns one of the most successful boutiques in Beverley Hills, has two grown-up children who are the light of his life, and his choice of Hollywood's ...viac o knihe
Stephanie is left alone to raise her children after her rat of a husband leaves her for a younger woman. On a spur-of-the-moment trip to Paris she meets Peter. Much to her ...viac o knihe