Newspeak, Doublethink, Big Brother, the Thought Police - the language of 1984 has passed into the English Language as a symbol of the horrors of totalitarianism. George ...viac o knihe
When the downtrodden animals of Manor Farm overthrow their master Mr Jones and take over the farm themselves, they imagine it is the beginning of a life of freedom and equality ...viac o knihe
When Flory, a white timber merchant, befriends Indian Dr Veraswami, he defies this orthodoxy. The doctor is in danger: U Po Kyin, a corrupt magistrate, is plotting his ...viac o knihe
Gordon Comstock loathes dull, middle-class respectability and worship of money. He gives up a 'good job' in advertising to work part-time in a bookshop, giving him more ...viac o knihe
Deals with the working-class life in the bleak industrial heartlands of Yorkshire and Lancashire in the 1930s, the Road to Wigan Pier is a brilliant and bitter polemic ...viac o knihe
Whether puncturing the lies of politicians, wittily dissecting the English character or telling unpalatable truths about war, this title features essays that are suitable ...viac o knihe
Deals with the underworld of society. In this book, the author documents a world of unrelenting drudgery and squalor - sleeping in bug-infested hostels and doss houses ...viac o knihe
Renowned urban artist Shepard Fairey's new look for Orwell's classic account of life on the streets To be poor and destitute in 1920s Paris and London was to experience ...viac o knihe
WINSTON SMITH provede v dubnu 1984 něco nepřípustného. Ve válečných podmínkách Oceánie drcené krutovládou jedné Strany si začne psát deník, kterému ...viac o knihe
Down and Out in Paris and London was George Orwell's first published book. It is at once a very personal account, and a vivid expose of hard lives weighed down by poverty in ...viac o knihe
Homage to Catalonia remains one of the most famous accounts of the Spanish Civil War. With characteristic scrutiny, Orwell questions the actions and motives of all sides ...viac o knihe
Animal Farm is George Orwell's brilliant political satire and allegorical fable about the corrupting effects of power. Published in 1945 it is, to this day, one of the ...viac o knihe
George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four is one of the most famous and influential novels of the 20th century. This terrifying dystopia, which he created in a time of great ...viac o knihe