'You are not simply the sum output of your genome,' write Deepak Chopra and Rudy Tanzi, Director of the Genetics and Aging Research Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital ...viac o knihe
Jednota mysli a těla
Kniha o jednotě mysli a těla, ve které můžete najít sami sebe. Obsahuje 3 části:1) Místo zvané perfektní zdraví - pozvánka do vyšší ...viac o knihe
Tato kniha představuje účinné principy, které vám umožní dosáhnout mistrovské úrovně životního konání. Také zjistíte, že se váš život stal ...viac o knihe
Helps us to overcome our fears about dying and to consider the fantastic possibilities that may await us in the afterlife. This book considers the theory that death is an ...viac o knihe
'The Book of Secrets' aims to help readers unlock the mystery of their own existence, showing how the very next thought, feeling or action can begin to uncover the deepest ...viac o knihe
Shares an understanding of the brain and a prescriptive plan for how we can use it to achieve physical, mental and spiritual well-being. This title reveals 'the forgotten ...viac o knihe
What do you crave? For many of us, sugary treats, fatty meals and high-calorie snacks are impossible to resist. This book unites the scientific and alternative therapy ...viac o knihe
After collaborating on two major books featured as PBS specials, Super Brain and Super Genes, Chopra and Tanzi now tackle the issue of lifelong health and heightened immunity.
We ...viac o knihe
Hojnost je zážitek, ve kterém jsou naše touhy spontánně vyplněny. Vnímáme radost, zdraví, štěstí a vitalitu v každém momentu naší existence. Zásady ...viac o knihe
Heal yourself from the inside out
Our immune systems can no longer be taken for granted. Current trends in public healthcare are disturbing: our increased air travel ...viac o knihe
Free your mind, relax your body and refresh your spirit
For the past thirty years, Deepak Chopra has been at the forefront of the meditation revolution in the West. With ...viac o knihe
Discover the keys to a life of success, fulfilment, wholeness and plenty
Many of us live in a mindset of lack and limitation, focusing on the things we don't have. Too often ...viac o knihe
Proč únavu dennodenně pociťují miliony lidí? Proč je pro některé z nich dokonce dominantní zkušeností jejich života? Lidé s chronickou únavou trpí ...viac o knihe