Die -Todesliste- ist das geheimste Dokument der amerikanischen Regierung. Es enthält die Namen derjenigen, die eine Gefahr für den Weltfrieden sind. Ganz oben auf ...viac o knihe
The Afghan is Izmat Khan, a five-year prisoner of Guantanamo Bay and a former senior commander of the Taliban. The Afghan is also Colonel Mike Martin, a 25-year veteran ...viac o knihe
'Whichever option I choose, men are going to die.' When the entire Soviet Union wheat crop is destroyed by a devastating string of failures, the population faces starvation ...viac o knihe
Frederick Forsyth war der jüngste Pilot der Royal Air Force, anschließend ein erfolgreicher Journalist an den Brennpunkten der Weltpolitik, bevor er seine Karriere ...viac o knihe
A collection of five heart-stopping stories from the master thriller writer. A miracle in war-torn Siena that begins with the persecution of a young nun in the turbulent ...viac o knihe
-Spellbinding. . .ten Forsyths for the price of one, who could ask for anything more?--- -Forth Worth Star-Telegram.-Here are ten suspenseful, serpentine stories of ...viac o knihe
The master storyteller is back with a classic race-against-time thriller with a modern edge. Most weapons do what you tell them. Most weapons you can control. But what ...viac o knihe
Väčšina zbraní funguje na pokyn človeka.
Väčšinu zbraní vieme kontrolovať.
Ale čo ak najnebezpečnejšia zbraň na svete nie je riadená strela ani utajená ...viac o knihe
'Forsyth deserves his place among the thriller greats.' The Times
'The master of the modern espionage novel returns . . . this is Forsyth at his spellbinding best.' Daily ...viac o knihe
Most weapons do what you tell them. Most weapons you can control.
But what if the most dangerous weapon in the world isn't a smart missile or a stealth submarine or even ...viac o knihe
Šakal. Vysoký Angličan s blond vlasmi a so sivými temnými očami. Profesionálny vrah prvej triedy. Muž, ktorého identitu nepozná nijaká tajná služba na ...viac o knihe