Data, grafy a analýzy nás dennodenně obklopují a narážíme na ně v médiích i při hospodských debatách. Statistiky nám slouží jako nepostradatelná ...viac o knihe
O tom, že i zdánlivě nesmyslné chování má racionální ekonomické základy Pokud jsou lidé skutečně tak chytří, jak se soudí, proč kouří a berou drogy ...viac o knihe
Tim Harford má daleko do nudného učitele moderní ekonomie, protože mu jde hlavně o praxi. Uvědomuje si totiž, že jeho obor není jen suchopárná věda, ale ...viac o knihe
The urge to tidiness seems to be rooted deep in the human psyche. Many of us feel threatened by anything that is vague, unplanned, scattered around or hard to describe. We ...viac o knihe
Everything we know about solving the world's problems is wrong. Out: Plans, experts and above all, leaders. In: Adapting - improvise rather than plan; fail, learn, and ...viac o knihe
* The very best letters from Tim Harford's celebrated Financial Times 'Dear Econonmist' column, collected herewith NEW letters for the paperback edition ...viac o knihe
The urge to tidiness seems to be rooted deep in the human psyche. Many of us feel threatened by anything that is vague, unplanned, scattered around or hard to describe. We ...viac o knihe
FIFTY THINGS THAT SHAPES THE MODERN ECONOMY paints the epic picture of economic change in an intimate way, by telling the stories of tools and ideas that had far-reaching ...viac o knihe
In Fifty Things that Made the Modern Economy, the revolutionary, acclaimed book, radio series and podcast, bestselling economist Tim Harford introduced us to a selection ...viac o knihe
In Fifty Things that Made the Modern Economy, the revolutionary, acclaimed book, radio series and podcast, bestselling economist Tim Harford introduced us to a selection ...viac o knihe