Kniha Dlouhá trnitá cesta z pekla je autobiografickým počinem Briana Warnera vystupujícího pod jménem Marilyn Manson - slavného frontmana stejnojmenné ...viac o knihe
Chcete větší dům? Lepší práci? Nemít dluhy? Dostat venerickou chorobu? Tohle je vaše velká šance. Nepotřebujete nic vědět ani umět. Prostě se jen držte ...viac o knihe
V této knize se Neil Strauss, autor kontroverzního bestselleru Hra, pouští do velmi obtížného tématu: partnerských vztahů. A během této divoké a nadmíru ...viac o knihe
Hidden somewhere, in nearly every major city in the world, is an underground seduction lair. And in these lairs, men trade the most devastatingly effective techniques ...viac o knihe
If you want to play the Game, you've got to know the Rules. In his international bestseller The Game, Neil Strauss delved into the secret world of pick-up artists--men who ...viac o knihe
Every family has a skeleton in the closet. You may know your family's skeleton. You may even be that skeleton. Or you may think that your family is different, that it's the ...viac o knihe
With the economic downturn, the hysterical Swine Flu frenzy and the systemic corruption of our political system we need someone to guide us through these difficult times ...viac o knihe
NO MORE GAMES. IT'S TIME FOR THE TRUTH. Neil Strauss made a name for himself advocating freedom, sex and opportunity as the author of The Game. Then he met the woman who forced ...viac o knihe
From the New York Times-bestselling author of The Game and Emergency comes a new collection of candid, hysterical, revealing short-form celebrity interviews ...viac o knihe
-The funniest book I have read this year.- Tony Parsons The Game recounts the incredible adventures of an everyday man who transforms himself from a shy, awkward writer ...viac o knihe
Sex, drogy a rock’n’roll
„Nejdivočejší rock’n’rollový příběh, který kdy kdo vyprávěl,“ tak charakterizoval jeden z recenzentů neuhlazenou ...viac o knihe