V každej generácii sa raz za čas objaví nové prerozprávanie gréckych mýtov. Je to prirodzené, pretože jazyk sa neustále vyvíja a staršie vydania si už ...viac o knihe
Již staří Řekové si rafinovaně užívali. A co teprve když se přimíchá britský humor!
Protože smích je brána, kterou se dá do člověka propašovat ...viac o knihe
'Troy. The most marvellous kingdom in all the world . . .'
Paris the Trojan has kidnapped Helen, Greek queen and most beautiful woman of the ancient world.
A thousand ...viac o knihe
Provokativní humoristický román vůdčí osobnosti a „enfant terrible“ britské kulturní scény! Adrian Healey není jako ostatní spolužáci... Když ...viac o knihe
A memoir that tells how, sent to a boarding school 200 miles from home at the age of seven, the author survived beatings, misery, love, ecstasy, carnal violation, expulsion ...viac o knihe
Whether you are single, married, or simply Fry-curious, Mrs Stephen Fry, the world's almost leading relationship expert, leads you gently but firmly though the marital ...viac o knihe
Michael Young is convinced his brilliant history thesis will win him a doctorate, a pleasant academic post, a venerable academic publisher and his beloved girlfriend ...viac o knihe
Whether you are single, married, or simply Fry-curious, Mrs Stephen Fry, the world's almost leading relationship expert, leads you gently but firmly though the marital ...viac o knihe
Stephen Fry invites readers to take a glimpse at his life story in the unputdownable More Fool Me. 'Oh dear I am an arse. I expect there'll be what I believe is called an -intervention- ...viac o knihe
Invites readers to take a glimpse at the author's life story. Containing raw, electric extracts from his diaries of the time, this is an account by a man driven to create ...viac o knihe
Become one of the first to discover Stephen Fry's magnificent retelling of the greatest myths and legends ever told . . . THE PERFECT ADDITION TO EVERY BOOKSELF THIS CHRISTMAS ...viac o knihe
The Greek myths are the greatest stories ever told, passed down through millennia and inspiring writers and artists as varied as Shakespeare, Michelangelo, James Joyce ...viac o knihe