Roku 1930 prichádza Henry Miller do Paríža ako chudobný a dosiaľ neznámy autor. V Paríži ho pohltí bohémsky život maliarov a spisovateľov Montparnassu ...viac o knihe
Každá nová kniha Henry Millera je vzácná a významná literární událost. Insomnie se od všech jeho předchozích děl liší. Je to totiž milostný příběh ...viac o knihe
A cult modern classic, Tropic of Capricorn is as daring, frank and influential as Henry Miller first novel, Tropic of Cancer -- new to Penguin Modern Classics with a cover ...viac o knihe
Shocking, banned and the subject of obscenity trials, Henry Miller's first novel Tropic of Cancer is one of the most scandalous and influential books of the twentieth ...viac o knihe
Looking back to author's bohemian life in 1930s Paris, when he was an obscure, penniless writer, this title is a love letter to a city. It describes nocturnal wanderings ...viac o knihe
Explores a mans desperate desire for freedom. It finds him in the midst of his stormy marriage to the volatile, duplicitous Mona, and joyfully quitting his dreary job for ...viac o knihe
The exhilarating final volume of Henry Miller's semi-autobiographical trilogy, Nexus follows his last months in New York. Trapped in a bizarre menage-a-trois with ...viac o knihe
Henry Miller called the end of his life in America and the start of a new, bohemian existence in 1930s Paris his 'rosy crucifixion'. His searing fictionalized autobiography ...viac o knihe
Henry Miller's bold, explicit novels scandalized readers and remade the literature of his day. In this uncompromising literary manifesto he argues that sex is at the ...viac o knihe